The saying goes "It takes all kinds of people". At first I laughed when I made the "social skill" comparisons between myself and my friends. But now the gravity of that statement really puts things in perspective.
Everyone in the house, including our unofficial occupants (Ramworship, Johno, and BMC) has their own personality quirks, but we all get along...all except for Matic's cousin. I've only known him for a few months, but in that time I've seen him turn down more opportunites to "join in" and be part of the group than I can count. And that's fine. We're not his crowd, or he's just not into it, it's his decision. The problem is that he harbors a grudge about his self-imposed isolation. A grudge that he will passive-aggressivly stew over until it becomes an enormous problem.
Last night we celebrated Johno's birthday. It started out as Matic, BMC and myself. Ramworship came over later that afternoon. In the evening Cousin came home, and shortly thereafter Johno and Spags came over. So, as they usually do, Matic, BMC, Johno and Spags started to jam on their instruments. Dorothy came home soon after that and everyone, except Cousin, was hanging out having a good time. (The guys have a verbal agreement with Cousin that their curfew on jamming is 10pm) Later to our surprise Rob, May,(who no one has seen and QUITE a while!) and their friend Mike also showed up for Johno's birthday. And everyone had a good time until 9:45. A few minutes after they put their instruments down, the police walked through the front door saying that it's time to break up the party. DUDE......THE FUCKING POLICE!!!!!!
Instead of acting like a 28 year old adult, and coming downstairs and saying to ANY PERSON in the house "hey could you stop playing, could you keep it down, or I'm not comfortable with this many people in the house" Cousin called the police.....what a TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When they started inquiring who lived there, Dorothy included BMC (as they're dating and he was staying the night) and I included Ramworship (as he was also staying with us) Cousin spitefully went after BMC saying he "was not allowed to stay" and left Ramworship alone. There are indepth reasons why Cousin did this, reasons that I'm not entirly in disagreement with, but not spitefully. Not to hurt Dorothy, which is why he did it.
The funniest part was that the police looked annoyed just to have to be there. But when the 4 of us (Dorothy, Matic, Ramworship and myself) explained the verbal curfew agreement, and that Cousin had not bothered to say anything first, they seemed more annoyed at Cousin than anyone else!
UGH... we're all moving out asap. BMC put it best, "The guy doesn't want roommates, he wants to be "father" of a house of people helping him to pay his bills."
Up until now I've been trying to stay objective. Not to get involved with past problems between Cousin, Matic or Dorothy. Just keep my head down and do my thing. I'm just not sure alot of objectivity was left after last night.