Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So...I guess this would be the "Put up or Shut up" deal. On the one hand..I asked to be full time, christ I've been asking since I GOT here. And my boss did make the schedule this month, with me...FULL TIME. 5 days a week. Which isn't really the complaint here. It's more the *other hand*...where I DON'T live here...and that's 5 days a week that I NEED to be "living" here.

YIPE! My Dad initially suggested renting a sublet, which isn't a bad idea, if for the possibility that over the next month, the new art director will come in, and then hire someone else full time that isn't me, which leaves me kinda screwed up here. Course there is the expense of traveling here, staying here, and commuting around. *UGH. It's all very overwhelming all at once.

I'm slowly chipping away at "Holy Hell what do I do" block...and with a little help, I keep the freak outs to a minimum. : P

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