Friday, November 10, 2006


A friend of mine posted a blog once called life in fast forward. It sounds cliche, hell it is, but it's pretty much the truth. I kind of understand now why my boyfriend's friends complain about being 28/29. Kinda gets away from you. But I don't mind really, I still have lost weekends that I enjoy. Granted they don't normally happen on the weekend...but they still count. Wednesday, after Lost, my addiction...yea I know... I ended up in Jersey, with my younger sister first at a bar then at my friends place.

Apparently I blinked because the next thing I knew it was 5 am I was still in Jersey
, my sister was hooking up with my friend, and I was drunk and had to leave for New York in 4 hours for an 11 hour shift. Things like that don't bother me, maybe because I'm 22, maybe because I'm me. I figure I'll catch up on things like sleep eventually.

Made it up to NY in good time, considering I didn't have any directions. Normally I take the train, this was my first time driving there from PA. Fuck it, it's not like it's easy to miss....I wonder where the Holland Tunnel leaves me off..... Don't roll up your windows, it looks like New York but its just Newark. I used to freak out about getting lost. It was my phobia like people fear heights or enclosed spaces. Yea not so much apparently any more which isn't a bad thing. Also my social anxiety in crowds...its an icky skin crawling there are too many people near me feeling.....also not a problem. Hell this job might just be helping my neuroses

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