Sunday, May 27, 2007

Dude! Cartoons!

Corman gave me the idea cause he posted a cartoon I also used to love, and haven't seen since I was like 6. with props to cartoons!
So apparently in the early 80's a company called Thames (yup like the river) produced an awesome bunch of cartoons. Thing is I've watched cartoons my whole life, I still do now, kind of the draw back of learning continue to watch cartoons...forever..anywho...I LOVED these. Most will probably remember Count Duckula

Less well known (and my FAVORITE now)
Danger Mouse

Others that I used to watch were
The Adventures of The Little Prince (French Produced 1979?)

and The Mysterious Cities of Gold

I remember these last two shows much cooler (artwork/character design wise) than they actually were :/ ah well

Eww, gross

Ok so imagine you're 12, and you're one day just minding your own business, drinking a glass of water when suddenly.....

hey....this water tastes funny. Hey...its red! I know I'm not drinking red kool aid....eep!!!

Yea...course the funny came when, bleeding, I walk up to my dad and his first comment is "What the f*&ck did you do?" *laugh*

High school was fun, getting to run from classrooms, or lunch tables in dramatic fashion. Then getting to mix and match school uniforms/ gym uniforms and regular clothes for the rest of the day.

Social gatherings are hilarious as well....spontaneous blood letting apparently has a way of making you the life of a party (Matic's house warming/birthday *laugh*)

Ah well...what are you gonna do??....stare at it in morbid fascination of course!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Call back #2 today, I'm going to be interviewing 2 different positions! *BIG SMILE*

Fingers Crossed!

I got an e-mail from my HR rep in New York (really nice guy named Scott)

He forwarded my transfer request to Philly yesterday, and gave me the number of a guy named Marc to call here. I left a voice mail for him this morning and he called me back! (WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT)

He wants to set up an interview for the Tech 1 position they have open in Philly, which basically means I'd do a little of everything, control room work on Viz or Chyron, stage managing, camera operation, a little Avid editing, probably some Art Department graphics prep work, but overall full time and a lot more involved!


I am so freakin excited right now! How cool would this be? The answer is VERY GD COOL! Not only would I be able to stay local, maybe live in the city, or with my friends just over the bridge, but I'd be working for the Flyers, for the E-A-G-L-E-S, for the Phillies, well...sum it up ALL Philadelphia sports teams! wow wow. For someone who last week didn't know what they wanted, I do know I want this.

So now we need:
a little luck *crosses fingers*- check
some skills (reads up on Avid)-check
and some enthusiasm *smiles*- check

Too bad the interview's not for a week. LOL

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Really Big Oops

I realized the other day, that I was wrong about something. Really really wrong. I thought one of the reasons I would be so "ok" was because I had been fooling myself about what our "relationship" really was. I thought I was forcing myself to hang onto a romantic notion about a really good friend. (you've GOT to be kidding!)

It hit me all at once. It didn't matter to me. I could live in New York, or Philadelphia, I could work at comcast or a fruit stand. It didn't matter to me, because I just wanted to be with "him".

I cracked. I cried..hard...because the only thing I really did want, won't be now. I was really wrong. And as usual hindsight and 20/20 and all, I can't fix my mistakes. And the kicker is,(I love this) I don't want to be with "him" if it makes "him" unhappy.

So, now I start making decisions for myself right? Start finding out what else it is that I want from life. I'm hoping I find it quick like so I won't have to think so much about this.

In the words of Dr. Gonzo "Wow...What a bummer."

Thursday, May 17, 2007

For a loop

Its been a week since we broke up. And I still don't really feel any particular way. Maybe that's because we do still talk almost every day, and the only thing that's different is sending silly emoticon kisses, and "I love you"s back and forth.

If I were feeling bad I could at least take comfort in the thought of time going by. But, I dunno, I'm not really hurting. It does hurt, don't get me wrong. But when it does, I just decide not to think about it any longer. Does that count as denial?

There are some things I miss that scare me, cause even if I do find someone again, it won't be him. No one will ever be him. (thanks captain obvious)

I'm happy that I don't regret anything. Ah moves on.

Monday, May 14, 2007


I've been kind of stressing a bit lately cause Rai wants me to go bathing suit shopping with her. And while its not the most horrible thing that could ever and shopping not so much.

But swept up in pure vanity today...after I found another 2lbs gone (YAY!) I looked at myself in the mirror...and for the first time, maybe ever....really didn't think what I was seeing was all that bad!.....


Not gonna let it go to my head or anything....just happy that it happened. : )

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Another day

Last night, I was exactly where I needed to be. With my friends, both old and new, just having fun, and getting tons of hugs! :) Despite the situation, I decided to go through with plans. And I'm glad I did. Rai and I grabbed some pizza, and then woke up Matic. Cousin mowed the lawn, while Flatmate got ready and by 10:30 we all piled into Matic's car, grabbed and extra Wii along the way, and went to Johno's.

Wii bowled, Wii played tennis, and Wii played pool, dude...Wii rule at doubles tennis!!! Me and Cousin vs Computer and Matic. Lots of drinking, and tumble piles of love, with me squished in the middle. As always there was singing, and music...a little drama (I was NOT involved! :) ) and Spagzilla's fine suggestion of dropping out the bass on the stereo so we don't piss off the neighbors. Packed it in around 4 and trekked back to Matic's to crash.

I was good most of the car ride home, until Matic decided to play Moody Blue's "Knights in White Satin"......RANDOM...I hate that song! It has absolutely NO meaning to me what so why did that song turn me into a teary mess??? Yuck. But it passed quickly with a little advice from Matic.

Me- "I don't feel like being upset about this right now..there's no reason for me to be!"

Matic - "Then don't be." (hug)

Me- *smiles*

Matic- "Much better."

Your friends really come through for you when you need them....I love my friends. I'm really lucky to have them. :D

Friday, May 11, 2007

The End

So, its finally happened. "Boyfriend" and I are no longer together....sad

So far I've only fallen to pieces a little bit once today, and it was when I realized how much I will miss the intimacy our relationship shared.
Bouncing back, I know we'll actually still talk the same way to each other. Make the same jokes, and be just as "special" to each other as when we were defined as together.

I could be bitter and say, "they've won" and "He's theirs again"....But I know that's not really the truth. The whispers in his ear came from caring, love and experience. ANd concern. (I can only hope it was for the both of us...hehe)

Our relationship, still beautiful in my mind, ended before my eyes. And I am ok...because of what I know.

-I know I loved truely, and without reservations

- I know in many ways we changed each other for the better.

- I know I was loved and cared for deeply.

- And I know tomorrow will come, and I will still be here, and the core of
me, who I am, is unchanged.

I know, that I will know whomever comes into my life next with the same devotion, love, affection and respect, that I knew him with. I can smile because though I will miss his embrace terribly, I'll be happy matter what. (see how long this lasts till I'm a mess bawling my eyes out)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


So apparently I slept on my arm wrong Monday night, because I haven't been able to feel anything below my elbow since then. Makes it hard to keep my fingers crossed that Sportsnet Philly will get back to me about transferring out of NY. Didn't mention that I want to do that did I? Well...I do. Its been 6 months, I just don't feel like I'm getting anywhere up there, I NEED to be full time so... looking for something new. *sigh* this again.

..................10 minutes later...............................
WOOOOHOOOOO....another 3lbs off the scale! I love this diet thing when it works!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

It might just be me

Dinner's been quite tricky over the last month. (and that is 1 month with the non meat eating) The rest of my family are meat eaters. I'm actually fully prepared to adjust to this and create my own alternatives, and omit where I need to, to not upset the other 3 or 4 people eating. Majority rules and biggie.

My annoyance comes in when someone particularly goes out of their way, to offer me meat, and act surprised when I refuse.

"Can you set some of the pasta aside, and not put sauce on it for me?"
"I took the meat out"
"Yea I know, but there's still meat in the sauce cause it got cooked with it"

"Oh I forgot to put some pasta aside, but its ok, you can still eat pasta"

*sigh* No but thanks anyway.

What I do mind is the playing dumb. What I do mind, is purposely "forgetting" just because you don't happen to agree with me. I need to move out, this is getting on my nerves.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Another language

So I'm cruising Bittorrent looking for the newest version of Flash, and what do I find?
"Holymacromediabundle Batman!"

Included in the torrent is Flash, Dreaweaver, Fireworks, Macmed.'s File extension manager, and 3 different flash players!!!

WOA DUDE!!! That's like 900$ (+) worth of programs!!! Miiiiiiiine!

Except that when I run it through Power ISO (I HATE POWER ISO!!!!) to extract it, and start up the installer I notice something rather, strange.

*Blink**Blink* ummm....the installer's all in...Italian?!

Wow..can't say as I've seen that before. The plus side being that I can understand more Italian than I can speak, so it wasn't too hard to stumble through. The programs themselves...are in English...would have been pretty funny if they were in Italian as well though.