Friday, June 6, 2008

me minus Caffeine

I've noticed over the last two months, that I would hit these "strange" points in my days. It started off with an actual anxiety attack that I cured with going home early from work and catching up on a few hours of sleep that had been lacking in the days prior. Then the "fluttering" started. I'd find myself at random times of the day steadying myself on my desk and breathing through an odd pounding/skipping sensation of my heart.

Now I suppose any normal person would go running to their GP when something like this happens....but since our dear head case has a deeply rooted aversion to doctors (no real reason...just REALLY don't wanna go) not to mention a track record of staying away from Doctor's care long enough NOT to even really HAVE a GP..... I did a little research and have begun to eliminate caffeine and alcohol from any normal consumption. Which over the last week has effectively quelled said instances....which means I'm scott free....right? I DON'T WANNA GO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! We'll see how it plays out.

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