Saturday, November 10, 2007

Technically a month in coming

I'm....a weasel. Totally. Even thinking about this makes me want to squirm. I "quit" Comcast at the end of September. It became very clear I was never moving from "freelance" status(which wasn't even what I was supposed to be hired for) and that it was only going to be weekends....FORR-EH-VER!

Me: Listen [Boss type guy], I've got another opportunity down in Philly, and this isn't very lucrative anymore, I need to be full time. I can give you my next two weeks as the weekends or anytime during the week that you might need me, but that's about it."

Him: I understand, well thanks very much for helping out this last month and, yes the next two weekends would be great.

And that was that, right? WRONG. E-mail after final two weeks...

Hey J

I was wondering if you would be interested in staying on, for Sunday's and alternating Saturday's through October, it would really be a help, just until we find someone else.
-[Boss Guy]

I should have said no.
Had a good laugh about this topic (and other's) with Corman before I responded. Of course I said yes..I'm too helpful!
So October continues, and I drag myself up to New York for my weekends some more. The real drag, is that there's nothing I need to be doing up there. I spend 14 hours a day in an office....doing nothing! Seriously, I wasn't making artwork anymore, I wasn't given any projects. I just babysat the room on the off chance they'd need a graphic that day (which they didn't usually)
I was the professional equivalent of a plant. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about being paid to watch movies/draw/photoshop all day. I'm not stupid. But the HUGE wasting my time, really got on my nerves. Not to mention that I had to spend quite a bit to get up there, and stay up there. It just wasn't worth it. So at the end of October, when my boss was insinuating that he'd really like me to work on my Father's birthday (a day that I'd taken off for MONTHS in advance [especially after getting screwed for my mom's 50th Birthday])I'd had enough. And then....this!

Hey J

I wanted to know if you were interested in working Sunday's and alt Sat's through November as well, let me know.

[Boss] the words of Charlie Brown...AAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!!! (god I wish I had that sound byte!) EFF! EFF! G-D-it!!! SONOFABLEEP! No!....
so of course I said yes. What the hell is wrong with me?? I am a COMPLETE WORM! *sigh*

Then I moved. I was busy. I was tired. And it seemed like a good excuse. I deliberately called my boss' voice mail, left a shitty message saying I would not be coming in for the weekend. When he called me back, I didn't answer the phone. I actually erased his message so I wouldn't cave, and kept working on my move. I left one more (shitty) voice mail message saying I wouldn't be coming in any more, and got an official email the other day about job abandonment/effective resignation.

I'm a turd

In my mind I've rationalized it 100 different ways. The company sucked, they took advantage of this and that and blah blah blah. In the end, it really wasn't right. *squirm squirm* I really didn't want to leave the job this way. And I didn't go about it with intentions of "screwing them" because I hated my job. I just knew if I had any kind of first person contact I would have folded and hauled my ass up to NY to be more miserable.

So I guess the moral here is that I need to hold my ground. Even if I'm still rather "spineless" on the professional level. If I say no, I need to stick to my guns, instead of stammering, uh-ing and um-ing my way into agreement to please people that aren't going to reciprocate. (I know! I KNOW! Impeccable with your word...shush it 4 agreements!!!)[hey just cause I didn't find the book Earth shattering, doesn't mean I ignore it]

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