Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Well, I can honestly say I don't remember a big chunk of Saturday night....which I believe means Tattooed Mom's was one hell of a time! : )

Jason brought Jenn, and she and I sort of buried the hatchet. James made it, and didn't bring his laptop...which might be a first LAWL! John and Spags (Ryan) came later after they got done work. We met a girl named Patrice at the bar, she was sitting alone and looked sad : ( And turned out to be really cool people! : )

Aaaaand that's about where I lose most of the evening...because the next thing I knew we were heading to our cars. On the way to James' apartment he taught me half of how to drive manual. "You're really drunk, so no actual driving...but its dark and you'll be able to get a better feel of where each gear is" Works for me!

James: "Clutch!"
Me: (Scottish accent) Which gear'd cap'n!
James: 2!

And that's about how it went all the way back to Collingswood LAWL! We hung out with his cousin and his friend Meg for a bit, who were at the apartment as well. And then... lots of sleep. : )

Actually not true...I crashed at about 3: 30 and I was up by like 7:30. PATCO to the city, and then the bus to New York!

Monday was LONG....subway to Chinatown, walked to the bus, bus to Philly, to the train, train to Ardsley and walked home. Strangely traveling makes you really tired! Seriously I sat for most of the day, and I was still exhausted....doesn't really seem right does it? LAWL!

*LAWL explanation- (Origin-SecondLife) When phonetically saying the term LOL the sound made is LAWL

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