Saturday, June 9, 2007

Some silence if you will....

I met a friend of Matic's about a month ago. We really clicked and have become pretty good friends in this short time. She recently started going out with Matic. (yay!) She and Matic have been friends for a really long time, so cool with the 'taking the next step' and all. Especially since the two of them just reconnected after a falling out.

Except that....

Now, when I talk to her, and she expresses her thoughts, feelings, misgivings, and problems with her new relationship, I have to try and be objective about my friend. Normally that wouldn't be so hard, except that...Matic talks to me as WELL! (When did I become Doctor Ruth??)

When she first told me they decided to go out, I was happy for them. But I also PROMISED myself I wouldn't let myself get dragged into the middle of anything. Now 3 weeks later here I am stuck smack dab in the middle of a relationship that isn't mine!

And normally, I'd just smile and nod, because I really am flattered that they both feel they can confide in me. But I'm also a little angry, because when they both started talking to me, one of the first things I said, to both of them was "I'm happy you feel you can open up to me, and I do care about you, you're both my friends, but your business is just that, YOUR PERSONAL BUSINESS!" I'm angry because I made it clear, when it comes to intimate relationships, I DON'T really talk about it. I keep a lot of what's between me and "him" between me and "him". It makes me uncomfortable to share intimate details, and my feelings are not being respected.

I don't say this to be cold, or to be a jerk,I love you guys, but I don't need you to call me right after and give me every detail when you sleep together! :/ I know you're happy and that's great, go be happy about it with your significant other though, please!

It bugs me that I listen to the two of them talking about each other, seriously guys! Realize that she's a friend of mine, and that he's a friend of mine! It bugs me especially knowing that I'd wanna help (cause I try to do that, help) but again, it's none of my business, and it's NOT my place. I don't want the responsibility of being mediator. I'm really torn between wanting to be there for my friends, and wanting to just lock both of them in a room release conditional upon communication!

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