Sunday, September 2, 2007


It's funny working in a tv studio. Whether you realize it or not going in, you really do bump into professional baseball/football/basketball/hockey players!

It's also kind of funny how quickly it becomes "normal". I was talking with my Aunt and Uncle the other day...

Aunt: "So how was work?"
ME: "Good, we had a game today so it was slow in the studio after they did the pregame show."
Aunt: "So do you actually see Ron Darling, and Keith Hernandez when they're doing the shows?"
Me: "Oh, yea sure, they're around."
Uncle:*laughing* "She's so blase` about it."
Me: "Well, to be honest....they're just people...and well, Ron's kind of a doofus."
Aunt and Uncle laughing
ME: "No, I'm serious...he's like a game show host...or a used car salesman, I think the personality requirements are the same."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keith hernandez is sexcellent!! i'm keith hernandez - the movie