Monday, September 3, 2007

Watered down

Since I've been up in NYC I've been completely JONEZING for Snapple Iced tea...don't ask me why. I've had, 3? over the last few days, my first being a regular, and then diet when I took note of the amount of sugar involved. (YIKES) The craving seems to have been satiated this morning, so I spent the rest of the day filling up my empty Snapple bottle with water and drinking that.

So far I'm on my 4th refill. Ugh, I know "water's good for you" and all that...and I don't really mind drinking it, of course 64oz of the stuff makes me have to freaking PEE LIKE HELL!!!! I've gotten worried as to whether or not I look suspicious going to the bathroom every 10 minutes, so I've started alternating between the one down here and the one upstairs. Which is another plus, a flight of stairs breaking up my "sitting at my desk all day" non workout.

Tonight's my last night in the hostel, it's kind of bitter sweet. I won't mind not schlepping myself up there every night after work, but the other girls in my room have been really friendly, and we've started hanging out in the common room. Ah faces next week.

*I'm getting really good at this "forced socialization" experiment I'm doing right now. Rather than allow myself to just keep quietly to myself and go about my business, I am (self imposed) required to spend AT LEAST half an hour in the common room, and NOT just with my nose stuck in a book.*

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