Saturday, May 12, 2007

Another day

Last night, I was exactly where I needed to be. With my friends, both old and new, just having fun, and getting tons of hugs! :) Despite the situation, I decided to go through with plans. And I'm glad I did. Rai and I grabbed some pizza, and then woke up Matic. Cousin mowed the lawn, while Flatmate got ready and by 10:30 we all piled into Matic's car, grabbed and extra Wii along the way, and went to Johno's.

Wii bowled, Wii played tennis, and Wii played pool, dude...Wii rule at doubles tennis!!! Me and Cousin vs Computer and Matic. Lots of drinking, and tumble piles of love, with me squished in the middle. As always there was singing, and music...a little drama (I was NOT involved! :) ) and Spagzilla's fine suggestion of dropping out the bass on the stereo so we don't piss off the neighbors. Packed it in around 4 and trekked back to Matic's to crash.

I was good most of the car ride home, until Matic decided to play Moody Blue's "Knights in White Satin"......RANDOM...I hate that song! It has absolutely NO meaning to me what so why did that song turn me into a teary mess??? Yuck. But it passed quickly with a little advice from Matic.

Me- "I don't feel like being upset about this right now..there's no reason for me to be!"

Matic - "Then don't be." (hug)

Me- *smiles*

Matic- "Much better."

Your friends really come through for you when you need them....I love my friends. I'm really lucky to have them. :D

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