Sunday, May 27, 2007

Eww, gross

Ok so imagine you're 12, and you're one day just minding your own business, drinking a glass of water when suddenly.....

hey....this water tastes funny. Hey...its red! I know I'm not drinking red kool aid....eep!!!

Yea...course the funny came when, bleeding, I walk up to my dad and his first comment is "What the f*&ck did you do?" *laugh*

High school was fun, getting to run from classrooms, or lunch tables in dramatic fashion. Then getting to mix and match school uniforms/ gym uniforms and regular clothes for the rest of the day.

Social gatherings are hilarious as well....spontaneous blood letting apparently has a way of making you the life of a party (Matic's house warming/birthday *laugh*)

Ah well...what are you gonna do??....stare at it in morbid fascination of course!

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