Saturday, February 3, 2007

Damn you candy machine!

I hate the vending machine in the break room at work. I go in to make myself coffee every so often and as I'm waiting for the Cuisinart's big brother to brew me a cup I turn around...and there it is! The big dumb jerk! Staring at me with its twix and snickers bars...lined up diabolically next to its trail mix and granola snacks. What sick and twisted bastard does that??? Puts really good nice healthy type snacks next to horrible chocolate goodness???

There have been one or two occasions were I need a snack fix....after the 11 show, the tummy grumbles when you know you're working till 2 am...anywho.... I go down with every intention of something "not so bad" maybe a granola bar, maybe some fruit snacks if I'm REALLY feeling wild...But when I get there its not the case!

My change rattles nervously in my hand as it quickly becomes apparent that the really bad "junk food" is making it a hard decision. I tell myself to "stay strong" and not give in, as the laundry list of calories, preservatives, and bad chemically altered ingredients run through my head.....but then the a sad little voice says.....but I taste really good!

DAMN YOU!!!(Let the rabbits wear glasses! j/k) I haven't given in.....that doesn't make it any better though. Stupid vending machine. : P


Mikaela said...

Stay strong! :)

James said...

I've actually started packing lunch...and getting coffee elsewhere to avoid it altogether! lol