Tuesday, February 13, 2007

weekend fun

So this week we ran into something of a snag. I was driving along Monday morning shortly before 9. Coming up to a stop sign I was coasting....and upon sneezing hit the gas instead of the break. OH SHIT!!! After the breaks locked up and I skidded into traffic...CA-RASH!

The down side
I basically totaled my car (though its not official yet)
Fact is I hit the other car
I'm car less, and soon going to drown worse in bills
I think I kinda hurt my wrist cause oww with the turning it in certain directions. (ie...don't do that! :)

The up side
This presents a unique and mandatory opportunity for me to now pick up and move to New York, which was inevitable what I needed to do.

So this weekend, after doing some net research, and with the assurance of both friendly enthusiasts; Ben and Laura, I'm going to try doing some Hostel living! I'm actually pretty excited. Seems like you meet some very interesting people...and oddly enough as I said in a recent post, this will allow me the experience of dorm living, which I opted not during college. Funny how life does stuff like that isn't it?....Not really funny ha-ha...more like duck wearing a bow tie funny. Regardless, this will be an interesting opportunity, especially in the "city that never sleeps" I think the best part, and very much the most unexpected was that my mom is really supportive of this "idea". She thinks going up this weekend will be a good experience, as long as I "play it safe"....and that moving to New York is where I need to be for my career. Wow....talk about not seeing that coming!

I have a good feeling about this. (crosses fingers please whatever god might be up there....I could really use some non suckage right about now)


Mikaela said...

Sorry about your car - bummer :-/

NYC living sounds like it'll be fun, fun, fun!

James said...

I certainly hope so, I'm a bit more prepared now than when we had that conversation back in October that's for sure LOL : )