Thursday, February 8, 2007

Dorm life....I missed out

Yesterday gets filed in my "favorite days" list.

Stayed over the boyfriend's Tuesday night, so as soon as Wednesday began, it was a good day. :) Got home and found that Photoshop had finished downloading (yay!) and after a quick search, I found an all purpose program maker worker (for those who aren't computer speak inhibited a serial key-gen, woot!) Installed it and.....shazam! instant Photoshop without the pesky need to pay $$ for it. Burned it to a disc and, along with the copy of After Effects I already "stole" and burned a while ago, they were ready for install on my sister's computer, all worky and good!
Took the Mensa test while waiting to leave for the train. Scored an 18 really...but the test disagreed with what I thought one of the answers should be, so it gave me a 17. Screw it if it doesn't take creative answers into account ; )
Caught the train into the city, and froze my butt off on the way to the U Arts dorm. (Ona {o-nah}) the younger sister and I made dinner, lemon chicken and pasta with salad, and for some reason sides of corn and apple slices. Although she insisted that the apples went well with pasta, and that you can "never have too many starches" i stuck with the pasta and salad for dinner, and kept the apple slices for later.
Watched Scrubs, the bestest bestest bestest show on comedy central. And then popped in a movie and broke out the "snacks" I bought along the way. Popcorn and Pretzels, and Hershey's chocolate pieces!
Helped her write a fairy tale for homework, and laughed ourselves to sleep in the living room some time around 3 am.

Back story: Before we moved, our old house only had 3 bedrooms, so for 9 years she and I were roommates. Most of the time we were so "bad together" we weren't allowed to; do homework together, go to bed at the same time, get dressed at the same time, and many other every day things because we'd just end up making each other laugh. Which meant; late for school, unfinished homework, and being awake to all hours of the night. : )

Took her out to breakfast this morning at my favorite little diner on 17th and Walnut, they have great coffee, and good omelette's. And then window shopped....quickly! before going back to thaw out, and so she could get ready for class. Hug bye and then a brisk, undesired, sprint 4 blocks to make the train on time.

Note....did you know that the icky tight feeling you get when running in the cold *doesn't* go away if you take a really hot shower?? Myth Busted! : )


Mikaela said...

I didn't know your sister's name is Ona. I had a friend is school named Ona, and I've never heard it anywhere else :)

James said...

neato! I will definitely have to tell her that! : )