Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sooo I've been posting to my blog and chatting with the boy via myspace all day at is this possible? you might ask. HEHE...weeeeeeell....that's just how it goes in the world of sports sometimes hehe.

I got in to the city early thinking I might finally have the time to trek down to Midtown Comics, get my nerd on since I'm a few issues behind in a few books : / But when I came up from the parking garage onto the street I immediately knew it wasn't happening. The garage is only two blocks from my building, the short side of the blocks too, not the long side, in those two blocks I couldn't feel my legs, and my nose had practically run off of my face. : ( So I killed three hours with some drawing, a little reading and some research for the project the boy and I are working on.

3pm showed up, and so did the rest of the crew, and then we started our normal weekend redoric. We played some video games, Desert Storm, talked hung out, ate dinner (we get pizza sundays courtesy of SNY) and then we looked at our broadcast....whoops...I guess we're not doing the 6pm broadcast since we're still showing the South American World Series double turn on the superbowl (high def big plasma screen woot!)

The second Baseball game starts around 8pm....uhhhh it won't be over in time for the 10 pm broadcast either. So now its 10:42, the game is in the 7th innning....annnd maybe at some point today I'll actually do some work?

The funny thing about is today Arthur, one of our tech guys (cues footage etc) hands me a card and asks "Did anyone go over the union status with you?" "Uhhhh no Arty actually I missed that memo with my tps report."

Apparently "The Union" rolled through our little Sports New York studio, and we're gonna be unionized....and I somehow get included! I'm a freelancer...I'm not staff. "We'll get a pay raise when we join up"

Show me where to sign! : D (No, I'm not about money like that....but I just started paying back my school loans...ugh!)

So I gotta do a little research about them, but from what I've seen so far the one time dues of 3 grand get waived, they have a network of contacts in all the studios in New York to send resumes to, raise. Maybe I won't need to bank on getting hired full time....and maybe I won't need to take that job I got offered at the bank!....
(see blog )

me: im just saying...its like land sliding...cause nothing was happening the last two weeks...and now I got a job offer from the bank...and now sny is opening doors possibly....its just...really
bf: i told you things would happen. you are young and you have your whole future in front of you. its a pretty exciting time in your life :-)
me: will you stop talking like you're old? you're not. I love you :-*
bf: i love you :-*
(cute term of endearment deleted to keep up manly boyfriendness)
I love my boyfriend!

So I got paid today to sit around, play games, talk to my boyfriend and watch football.....I love working here!

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