Saturday, July 21, 2007

Good old duality

GNO was AWESOME. I love Mel, I've never had a friend whose views were so different than mine, and yet we always agree to disagree! All of our discussions, be it Art, Pro life vs Choice, gossip, music...anything, are something I look forward to. : )

Mel just got back from Seattle, so a good deal of the night was spent with stories of the night life over there. And then I got to thinking. They were slightly disjointed, kind of tipsy thoughts, that only came together today while I was riding the bus over the Ben Franklin, but thoughts none the less. When I first started working up in New York, I found myself bopping around from state to state. Starting one morning in PA, ending the day in New Jersey, waking up there to head to New York. I loved traveling. Now, I'm sorry to say, its very routine. And my original enthusiasm about moving up to New York, is somewhat "eh" in nature. I watch Philadelphia as I leave now, and I actually miss it. I guess, as much as I wanted to be "nomadic" my "home" still feels like its there.

This is not to say that I don't still want to travel. Ramworship and I still talk about England and Spain...the ever elusive "someday" when we'll get it together to go there. (I still REALLY want to see Nepal) I know at sometime in my future, I will make this happen...but as someone once said, and my impatience agrees, "The future....everyday I wake up and its still the present"

I've even started looking into different careers that would require international travel

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