Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I wish you could hear me..............

The situation with my family is not getting any better. No matter what I try to say or do we're just not communicating. Especially my mom and I. My sister's and I don't even talk.....but my mom and I try to, and it just goes to shit. I'm tired, I'm worn out, and I miss having my family a lot.

During one of our conversations, my mom mentioned that I'd never been as open with her, as my sisters are. And despite the fact that this is just my personality, I showed her my flickr page. I really wanted to make her happy. To take a step.....instead she was "disturbed" and "hurt" by the fact that in my pictures, I'm happy....... "wait....are you mad at me for NOT being miserable living on my own?" No answer.

I really hope all this feels so badly right now because I'm just pms depressed...hopefully everything just feels 100 times worse than it is.

I told myself that looking back on my problems with my family years from now, I'd laugh. I don't know that I'll be laughing at this.

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