Monday, July 30, 2007

*Whew* well it just turned 12am...Sunday, was great!

Saturday we did the whole cook out thing, that was...interesting. A propane grill (without a starter system) filled with charcoal briquettes, sprayed with lighter fluid then set on fire (without the result of blowing anyone up)gave us some good dogs, burgers (veggie for me) and toasty buns...with only a slight lighter fluid taste to them. (We had a hard time getting it going)

I made some yummy pasta salad...actually..way too much..pasta salad. (I always forget just how much 2lbs of pasta really is!) Some picky veggies, and a really neat red pepper veggie dip. (I cheated and used a packet..sue me) Along with a yummy cucumber salad. And, um, oooops....that whole bunch of corn I kind of forgot I cooked and left sitting in the pot on the stove while everyone ate the other food.... My big swollen head-pride comes from that, aside from the dip, I made everything else from guesstimation (and luck) Basically I made it look the way I remember it looking at family bbq's *grin*

Sunday morning Mattie came over to hang for his Birthday/vacation. (which makes me a little sad, "I appreciate that you're spending you vacations with me...but dude...we're in jersey....ya sure??") And yesterday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTIE!!!!!!!

My mom called me Saturday, wanting to get together, I had to post pone until Sunday,I'm REALLY happy we got together!

We grabbed an early dinner at the neat little bistro around the corner. I hadn't seen my Mom in 2!!!

A) that's the longest I'd ever been without seeing my mom...EVER.
B)The second I saw her none of the bullshit we've been fighting about mattered anymore, and I couldn't have been happier.

My Dad came as well and we sat, and chatted, just the three of us. *Smile* The topics weren't always fun, but we didn't argue, and when I watched them drive away, I felt relieved. There are some hard choices I'm going to have to make soon, where I want to be (the name Bethesda seems to be creeping up again) and what I want to do. But a little of each thing each day. :)


Mikaela said...

What a weekend! :)

James said...

Indeed! I'm sorry you guys couldn't make it out.