Saturday, July 14, 2007

..It makes sense

As if I needed something else to be a pain in the butt right now?

Every year, from about June on there's a window where my allergies get really bad. So I walk around looking like a zombie (or a HUGE pot head...depending on how you look at it) with my eyes all blood shot. I've noticed it the last few years,....actually its kind of hard to miss when I have to wear sunglasses inside, cause they're so light sensative, and can't even put my contacts in. It normally doesn't last for more than a week, usually 2..3 days at the most. This year there's the added bonus of somehow I broke a blood vessel in my eye as well, so it's not only irritated pink, but also icky blood red! WOOOOOHOOOOO!

I love Eric, one of our production assistants,

Eric: What did that say?
Me: I don't know I can't see 2 feet in front of my face.
Eric: *quizzical look*
Me: No contacts, and I can't find my glasses.
Eric: Oh ow! How'd you do that to your eye??
Me: Eric...If I knew how I did it, I wouldn't have done it.
Eric: True

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